Knapsack Spraying

The Law requires all individuals using Pesticides in Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Industrial and Amenity on or near water to possess a valid pesticide certificate in order to comply with regulations.

Legislation applies to Volunteers, Employed or Self employed, regardless of the size of the company or frequency of spraying operations, even if spraying your own land.

As of November 2015: non-certificated ‘Grandfather Rights’ spraying is no longer permitted.

James Bayliss Property and Auto Care Services hold the required certification in order to carry out all Knapsack spraying requirements, including;

PA1- The Safe Handling and Application of Pesticides


PA6- Safe Application of Pesticide using Pedestrian Hand Held Equipment (Knapsack) 

We are committed to ensuring best practice and meeting the requirements of the Plant Protection Products (Sustainable Use) Regulations 2012, the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulation 2002 (COSHH) and other relevant regulations.

With spraying we would ensure all Pesticide Treatment and Application records are in place, that all COSHH and Environmental Risk Assessments are completed and stored and ensure a professional service to our customers. 

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